Innovargalgue Objectve: to develop new fruit and vegetable crop protection products that offer an alternative to pesticides.
Specialist in sustainable technology for use in agriculture
Partners : CERAFEL-CATE (29), CEAFL-ARELPAL (44)UMR PaVé : INRA-Agrocampus (49), UMR PME : INRA – Université – CNRS (21), IRMA (56), Vegenov-BBV (29).
Project length : 38 months
Budget : €2,077,329
Financial backers : Unique Interministerial Fund, Brittany and Pays de la Loire Regional Councils, Morbihan and Finistère General Councils, Saint-Malo Agglomération
Presentation :
The results obtained revealed the need for further study to properly understand the phenomena in question, and motivated the project partners to continue their work as part of a new collaborative project. If the NDS performance is confirmed by this second project, then some of the products developed can begin the certification process. The fruit and vegetable sector will then boast new non-toxic plant-health solutions (a significant issue given the growing number of outlawed pesticides).