
PROLEVAL is a collaborative research project led by Valorex. Started in 2015, it officially ended in July 2021, after 72 months of work. The aim of this project, which was approved by three competitiveness clusters, was to integrate French oil and protein seeds into animal feed in a sustainable manner in order to improve the protein autonomy of livestock farms. An opportunity to review the project with Mathieu Guillevic, PhD R&D Engineer and Project Manager at Valorex.

What was the objective of this collaborative innovation project?

Valorex led the research programme called “PROLEVAL”: PROtein crops, oLÉagineux, VALorisation animale from 2015 to 2021.

The programme had been labelled by 3 competitiveness clusters and appraised by the Ministries of Agriculture and Industry. The project was led by VALOREX, in partnership with INRAE and its 6 research units involved, TERRENA and DIJON-CEREALES.

Partenaires projet PROLEVAL

The objective of the PROLEVAL project is to integrate French oilseeds and protein crops into animal feed in a sustainable manner in order to improve the protein autonomy of livestock farms.

To this end, the PROLEVAL project partners have contributed to setting up a French production and processing chain for oilseed crops such as faba beans, peas, lupins and flax to feed monogastric animals and ruminants (faba beans, lupins, peas and flax).

What is the innovative nature of the project and what are the benefits?

The partners in the PROLEVAL project have worked together to produce a unique know-how for adding value to oil and protein seeds for the French agricultural sector. This know-how is based on a dual approach:

PROLEVAL, based on this dual approach, makes it possible to obtain oil and protein seeds with nutritional values that were previously unequalled for these seeds, allowing production with improved intrinsic qualities and meeting the needs of the differentiation sectors while ensuring that their growth and health performances are maintained.

Graines oléo-protéagineuses PROLEVAL

Where are you today?

Today, the PROLEVAL research project is closed, but the work of Proleval is continuing on a regional scale, in particular in order to identify the best solutions for each territory to guarantee the most local autonomy possible for the existing protein crop plots.

In addition, PROLEVAL’s work has given rise to a new range of multi-species feeds in 2021: INEVO. This range, unique on the market, is the only one today to combine two actions (varietal selection, cultivation itineraries and guaranteed price contracts; a combination of technological seed treatments) to improve the nutritional value of oilseeds.

This new range of feeds, INEVO, has been developed by and for the French agricultural sector.

The INEVO range aims to respond to current societal challenges:

The INEVO offer responds to the approaches of sectors seeking to respond to these major issues in the service of French agriculture from the field to the consumer’s plate. Among these differentiation channels, Bleu-Blanc-Cœur acts for an agriculture that respects the animals and the earth for the health of all.

Finally, on the strength of the results obtained in the framework of the PROLEVAL project, Valorex has just injected 3.5 million euros, part of which was financed by the France Recovery Plan, into the creation of an industrial tool specific to pulses: new storage cells; a fragmentation and concentration line; and the improvement of a cooking line for seeds.

Photo illustration sucess story Proleval Valorial

What does collaborative innovation mean to you? 

As an SME with a wide range of activities in the agricultural and food sector, collaborative innovation is both an obvious necessity for us, in order to adjust our means of innovation to the best advantage. Our collaboration with a large number of research laboratories, technical centres, schools and companies is historic, but it will also be futuristic, both to continue to build the basis of our business project and to ensure that it is recognised at scientific, institutional and political levels.